Sunday, February 10, 2008


Thursday was a busy day. We went to see Grandma Trish first thing since we had missed her the day before. We all had a great time visiting and watching the live bird display that was near her room. Grace even helped out by pushing Grandma Trish's wheelchair down the hall.
Uncle Pat and Aunt Tina joined us for lunch where we all watched Grandma Trish eat a rare steak with her bare hands! The nice aids at the nursing home brought us dessert and Grace was very excited about the "Cake!" We left mid-afternoon when we realized we had worn Grandma Trish out because she was too tired to go to the 2pm! happy hour.

We spent the afternoon with Pat and Tina back at Stan and Linda's house. Pat gave Grace her first caramel candy which she liked until she realized she couldn't chew it and promtly spit it out into Nana's hand.

We had a great dinner with Stan, Linda, Kelly, Ryan and Leah. Linda even had a birthday cake for me. Grace warmed up right away to her second cousins and had them reading books to her right away. She would grab a book and just plop herself into their lap!

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