Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mr. Kelvin would be so proud....

Mr. Kelvin, Grace's swim instructor, will never believe the transformation that has taken place over the last few days. Grace loves swimming! She asks to go swimming every morning and even asked to go after her nap today. She's been jumping in, "floating" on her back, putting her mouth in (not quite her face) and floating around on various toys. Her favorite is to be thrown "so high in the air, one more time." We've all taken turns tossing her up but her Daddy throws her the highest and is requested over and over.
She loves the hot tub when we don't warm it up and runs around in the "little pool" on the bench. The "big pool" also has a seat built into the side and she loves walking on that.
Another favorite was playing with soaker toys that sprayed a stream of water. Grace squealed with delight if anyone sprayed her and would BEG for more. She even asked Jeff to squirt her in the mouth and she stood very still with her mouth wide open just waiting to be sprayed...

Isabella also loved playing in the pool ;o)

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