Monday, November 10, 2008

Daddy Daughter Date

When Michelle was recently out of town for the night, Grace and I planned a "Daddy Daughter Date Night." We had a lot of fun and were most productive!

Grace has a new "big girl" room and we bought her a new shelf system to help her with her organization. We decided to put the shelf together. When we had all of the pieces on the floor, Grace asked me "can I make a house with this?" I of course informed her that these pieces were to be used for a new shelf and she responded "oh, ok."

Grace was very good about handing me the pieces I needed.
Grace wanted to help put the shelf together and she insisted on "doing it herself."
The finished product!

Grace surprised me by making taquitos for dinner.

Grace decided to relax in her new Dora slippers. Unfortunately she wanted to show them to our dog, Elliot, and proceeded to put them in his face. As you can guess, he thought it was some type of toy and we all had entertainment for the rest of the evening!

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