Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who? Me?

I want to thank my friend Michelle of Mommy Memoirs for bestowing this prestigious award on me for a "Fabulous Blog." Along with such a great award comes a great task- I must divulge five addictions and chose five other recipients.

1. Target popcorn combo- $1.50 (used to be $1.00) for popcorn and a drink- you can't beat it! And I have to admit, I've gotten Grace addicted to this also. She asks to go to Target for popcorn and an icee at least once every two days. I didn't think we go that often but the lady behind the counter, Ms. Regina, knows our names too...

2. My website rotation- I check the same websites every day, several times a day-Slickdeals.net- They have the best compilation of deals that can be found for online shopping and it's updated every minute so you have to check it often. Facebook- I need to see what everyone's doing! Ebay- I like to put things on my watch list and see how much they are purchased for- sometimes I bid, most of the time I just watch. Blogs- I love to look and see who has updated their blog- some of you have been letting me down ;o)

3. Fast Food- I know it's horrible for you but I really like a special treat of a hamburger and fries every so often.

4. Things that cost a dollar- this used to just be the Dollar Tree but now Target has a "One Spot" and Walmart has a dollar section too. I can convince myself I need anything if it only costs one dollar.

5. This computer- it's on, all the time. When it's not, it calls to me. I like to think I'm connected at all times. I don't have to be working on it- just like it on and near...

I give this award to...

Erin at Boryczka Daze
Anna at Fambrough Family
Amy at Life with the Mathesons
Kim at The Lee Family
Heather at Three Lees in a Pod


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