Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Return of Dance Class

At the beginning of September Grace started dance class again. We had to sign up for a complete year, instead of the ten week sessions we did when she was younger, and we debated about whether to sign her up. Our doubts were erased when she woke up on the first day of class and the first words out of her mouth were "Yeh! Dance class today!" It was a little sad when she listed off her friends from last year that she thought would be in her class this year that aren't. ;o(
She did great and went right in even though it was a different teacher, different room and she didn't know anyone. Some things never change- she still is a really good listener and does what the teacher says but... she's a little well, lazy. She figured out how to do most of the dance moves sitting down. All the other little girls were running around waving their arms, dancing to the music. Grace was moving her arms to the music but seated... It's really too funny to watch.

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