Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Kate First Day of "School"

Kate started her first "school" today- Mother's Day Out two mornings a week at the church down the street. Her teacher is Ms. Wanda and there are 4 "creepers" in her class.
Grace was very excited about Kate's first day of school and insisted on packing her lunch.
After she packed a pretty good lunch, Grace took it upon herself to give Kate a little pep talk. I walked in to hear Grace telling Kate she would have fun, she wouldn't be there but that would be ok, she would come and pick her up later. I suggested to Grace that she tell her about sharing but instead I was given a horrified look and told "Mommy, she is a baby! She does not have to share!" Grace then rubbed Kate's head and told her she could "play with any toy she wanted" while giving me a sideways glance that she knew what was best...
Kate did great on her first day. Her teacher said she did very well and loved playing with her new friends. Here she is at her snack table

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