Sunday, January 6, 2008

Relaxed Weekend

We all had a good weekend. Grace spent most of the day on Friday playing with her friend Lily. She impressed everyone by counting objects for the first time. According to Amy, Grace stacked blocks on top of one another and counted them as she did it- up to 4! Friday night Jack and Grace had dinner with Jeff and Kristen while Michelle went to the movies with Stephanie and Jessica.
Saturday was a cleaning day preparing for our new freezer in the laundry room. Grace's new trick was to get up on the couch with "no help!"
On Sunday Aunt Kristen came over to play with Grace. They played at our house and then hit the Summit for a shopping trip. Michelle was able to go to the Museum to see the Pompeii exhibit and Jack was able to catch up on some work. Sunday afternoon Ella came over to play on Grace's "prize" (aka her new slide). She won't call it a slide- just a "Sant-a" prize. Our new next door neighbor, 6 day old Miller, came over to play too. Grace and Michelle had a Girl's Night and ate pizza and watched "toons" since Jack went to Atlanta to a conference. It took Grace an hour to eat her pizza because every time she got sauce on her hands (every bite)- she yelled for a wipe. We used a lot of wipes....

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