Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Day of School

Monday was Grace's last day of school. Grace LOVES going to her Mother's Day Out program two mornings a week and is really going to miss it. She has formed a special bond with one of her teachers, Mrs. Margaret, and will have a hard time this summer adjusting without her. Apparently Grace was her little shadow and if you ask Grace what Mrs. Margaret calls her, Grace says "Mini me." And if you ask her who loves her she says not Mommy, not Daddy but "Mrs. Margaret." She will miss Mrs. Margaret and Mrs. Adriana and all her classmates whose names she still likes to rattle off "Holden, Hunter, Ava Claire, JuJu, Meredith, Camilla and Gavin."
The last day of school they all wore their swimsuits and had a water day. Grace had great fun and it was a good way to end the school year.

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