Friday, May 2, 2008

Swimming Lesson Flunkee

Well, technically I believe Grace will receive her certificate. Mr. Kelvin said he would mail it. We'll see.... Swimming lessons started so well and we learned a lot the first two weeks. I'm not exactly sure where it went wrong but the last two weeks of lessons were just not good. She did get really good at sitting on the edge of the pool and not getting in- mostly because she was crying and yelling no. We tried everything once and watched everyone else the rest of the time. Jack came once to see if he could convince her to participate but even he had no luck. It wasn't a complete waste- according to Grace she loved swimming lessons, smiles when we talk about it and even says she "put her face in" (she must be referring to my hair she buried herself in, not the water... ). And I learned a lot of things to teach her- both safety wise and tricks for getting her prepared for swimming for when she's ready.
I'm crossing my fingers that there will be pictures of Grace swimming on this blog this summer (two miracles- Grace swimming and us finding the camera....)


Anonymous said...

Hopefully we can get her in the pool when she visits Nana and Papa the middle of May.

BlessedMom said...

Oh honey, Zep was terrified of the water until just recently. Seriously the zoo fountains sent him into a total meltdown. They'll come around on their own time!! Glad you had a few good lessons.

Hope to see you soon, it's been forever!