Tuesday, April 21, 2009

FPA Golf Tournament/My Little Helper?

I am President of the Financial Planning Association and one of our goals this year was to hold our first ever golf tournament. Jack and I helped put the event together and one of our main jobs was to put together the goodie bags. I thought this would be a good job for Grace too. She was excited to help with the assembly line and was actually helpful putting things in the bags. She was putting the pens in first and then putting a sleeve of balls in next. I suggested she put the balls in first since they were bigger and she very adamantly told me no. I tried to explain my reasoning but she came right back with her reasoning. She put the balls in and then said "Look- if I put the balls in first, I not get the pen in" as she tapped the pen on top of the box of balls- nevermind all the space around the balls in the bag.... So, not only did she argue, she made up evidence to prove her point. I told Jack to sign her up for his law firm now because she is going to be good...
Oh- and the golf tournament was a great success!

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