Thursday, November 18, 2010

Birthday Morning

Kate started the day with some birthday muffins
Then we opened some family gifts Grace had picked out at the store for her

 Jack took Grace to the store to pick out a present for Kate.  Jack picked up a Barbie doll and showed Grace.  Grace shook her head no and held up another toy.  And then said "She doesn't need another Barbie.  She needs to learn her shapes and colors.  I'm going to get her this game because it teaches her those things.  You can get that Barbie but I'm getting her something she really needs."  Ok then... :)

 Since it was her birthday, Kate brought a treat to school.  I didn't have a chance to make anything so I went and got some cookies at Publix since they are usually really good.  Even Grace came with to celebrate with her little sister.
I noticed the kids were just kind of sucking on the cookies.  Finally the other girl in Kate's class threw down her cookie and said "too hard!"  Next thing I knew, all the kids threw down their cookies "too hard!"  And sure enough, they were awful!  So hard!  I felt so bad.  Kate's teacher did some quick thinking and pulled out some goldfish before the riot got out of hand :)

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