Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hey! Hey!

When I took Kate to have her annual checkup for her 2nd birthday, the doctor asked all the standard development questions to ensure she was on track.  When he asked how many words she could say I answered hundreds.  When he asked if she could make a sentence I replied that she speaks in paragraphs.  Because she can, and does.  But apparently not in front of him.  He tried to get her to talk and she just stared like she didn't understand English.  She would not say a word.  I was kind of embarrassed that she was making it look like I was embellishing her skills when the doctor laid her down on the table.  He unfastened her diaper and was about to complete his exam when Kate bellowed out "Hey!..Hey!  What you doing?!"  At least she knows when to protect herself :)

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