Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Grace!

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I know I start all these birthday posts the same way but I can't believe you are already 5!  You have really grown into a sweet young lady.  You keep everyone in our family on track :)  You love rules and make sure we all follow them.  Preschool is one of your favorite activities.  You love learning and playing with your friends.  You cannot wait to go to kindergarden next year!  You are starting to read and recognize several words.  You can write all your numbers and letters and love for me to "assign you work" to do.  You have definite opinions about your clothes and can completely dress yourself (except for tying your shoes).  You and Kate continue to be best friends and you are definitely her second mother.  You constantly look out for her and let us know when she isn't behaving.  But you do love playing with her and she worships you and wants to be exactly like you.  You girls are starting to fight a little but you are usually the one that gives in and is the patient one.  You are a daddy's girl but also like your "girl time" with me.  You never forget anything and constantly amaze us with what you know and comprehend.   We love you and can't imagine our family without you!

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