I don't even know what to say about this. It was just so out of character for Grace- our little rule follower.
The other day she was in her room- I thought taking a nap. Since the mattress is on the floor, we've had many discussions that she can't get out without us getting her. I thought she was following those instructions. I went in about half through her nap time and noticed something a little funny on her face, and then her legs and then her feet. She was half awake and I asked her what happened to her legs and she said, very proudly, "I colored on myself."

I really didn't know what to say and I really didn't do a good job of hiding my laughter- she was completely covered and so was her bed and her comforter- those spots of purple and orange did not come on it when it was purchased.
I got her out of bed and called my mom looking for washing instructions on the comforter and she got on the phone and proudly told my mom she colored on herself.

I pulled it together long enough to have a stern talk about not coloring on her legs and face and she was kind enough to correct me - "my stomach too, Mommy" and lifted her shirt to show me. I told her I couldn't trust her and maybe she needs to sleep in the crib. She actually slept in the crib that night- she went right in there, remembering I had told her that. The next morning the first words, literally, out of her mouth were "I not sleep in crib anymore, I sleep in big girl bed now, I not color on myself anymore." (Which is true because there are no longer markers in her desk).

Wow. She really did color all over herself, didn't she? Well, last Friday was "Orange Day" wasn't it? She was just carrying the theme onto this week :)
I can honestly say that Austin hasn't done that before. This is only the beginning. Many nights we hear little feet upstairs and have to go see what Austin has gotten into. Mostly it's pulling every book out and putting them in the bed. It's so hard not to laugh at them when they do that kind of thing!
She is so adorable. I LOL'd when I read this one.
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