Sunday, November 16, 2008

Trick or Treating, Part II

We'd like to report that part II went as well as part I. But, it just didn't. Grace was very excited to go trick or treating with her friends Caroline and Evelyn. We started with a fun meal and then everyone got dressed in their costumes. Grace had received a princess flashlight from her Grandma and Pop and had been very excited to use it for trick or treating. She turned it on and was ready to go.
The dads put the girls in the wagon and off they went. I'm not sure exactly how it went wrong but Grace did not have a good time judging by the screaming and crying when she was brought back 30 minutes later. Honestly, she is shy so the thought of going to people's houses she didn't know must have been very frightening. Jack took her to a few houses but once she started to cry to go "back to Ms. Betsy's house" he carried her back. Unfortunately for Jack and a heavy Grace, right before they got back, she started to cry to go back to trick or treating. So, Jack carried her all the way back. This cycle continued a few times before poor Jack just gave up and brought her back. Of course she wanted to go back outside but we knew what would happen when she was brought back- and Jack's back was about to break- she is heavy normally, but especially when upset and not holding still.

She was upset for a few minutes but soon took off the costume and made herself at home with Caroline and Evelyn's toys until they came home. If you ask her about trick or treating, she'll tell you "I not like it, I cried".... ;o( maybe next year...

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