Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Grace and I were eating lunch together yesterday and I ran out of things to talk about so we started working on our numbers. She has some fuzziness between 10 and 20 but once we get to 20, she knows the numbers very well. She caught on to the system a few months ago and loves to count the 20s, 30s, etc. We had a little problem yesterday though..After 29 she said, 20-10. I tried to explain that it was 30. She said "What!? No Mommy- you not know, listen- it 28, 29, 20-10." I tried again to explain it was 30. She literally looked at me like I was crazy and stupid. Again she tried to explain it to me and her frustration with me was obvious. I tried again. Then I gave up- I've taught her a lot- her preschool teacher can take this one on....

1 comment:

Anna said...

Hooray! You're finally caught up with the blog. I hope you guys are doing well and adjusting to being a family of 4. Once everyone is well and illness free, we need to do dinner or lunch.