Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy 2 Months Kate!

I can't believe Kate is already 2 months old! Kate- you are getting big so fast! You still eat every 4 hours during the day- 6 ozs at a time! So far I've been able to keep up with your eating and we haven't had to use formula yet. At night you are able to sleep 5-6 hours. (Last night you actually made it 10 hours- we aren't counting on that happening again ;o)). You have a little routine that you like to follow- eat, sit in my lap for about 5 minutes, lay on the floor and kick, kick for about 30 minutes, look around and play for another 30 minutes then fall asleep. Pretty much the same rotation every four hours ;o) One of my favorite things to watch is your interaction with Grace. I mentioned several times on this blog that Grace loves you but lately it has become obvious how much you love Grace. Whenever she walks into the room, you literally turn your head to find her and start to smile. Sometimes you'll even giggle out loud. It becomes a problem when you are trying to sleep and you hear Grace's voice. You will wake from a sound sleep to see what she is doing. You LOVE your sister! Can't wait to learn more about you this next month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture and how she has grown!
Nana and Papa