Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Kate!

Kate!  One year old already!  It's been a great year...  You have added such joy to our little family.  You always have a smile- whether it's for saying hi or because you are getting into mischief- you always have one.  You are into everything!  You can pull up and crawl, really fast.  You insist on getting your way and will let us know quickly when you don't like something.  You love, love, love to eat.  You like all foods.  You have 8 teeth- 4 on top, 4 on bottom.  You love being the center of attention and get upset when people aren't looking at you.  You are hesitant to go to anyone other then your dad or me but eventually you warm up.  You do like to go to Mother's Day Out and you break out in a huge smile when you see Ms. Wanda.  You love your daddy and squeal out loud when he comes home.  One of your favorite things to do is to crawl up to me and put your head on my lap and snuggle your head on my legs.  You sometimes like to pet Elliot and sometimes you push him away.  Your favorite person is Grace and you try to do everything she does.  You even bang on her door when she is sleeping to get her up and play.  You are such a fun little girl- we've had a great first year!

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