Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Michelle had to work on Wednesday of last week, so Daddy and Grace attended the Moms Group outing to the horse farm. The Moms were gracious enough to bend the rules by allowing a Dad to tag along! As usual, Grace talked about "horsies" for the entire drive to the farm, but once we arrived she wanted nothing to do with them. However, Grace (and her friend Lily) enjoyed spectating.

Grace perked up when the Moms started putting out the blankets for the picnic (I forgot our blanket, but someone shared). Grace did tell me to "go to car, get picnic."

After a bountiful lunch, Grace climbed "the mountain" to go see a baby horse. She was the only one of the four mountineers to fall. Once she got to the top, she sang the "I did it" song from Dora the Explorer and then told me "I fall ... I tell Mommy."

Even though Grace was scared of the horses, as we were leaving the farm she said "bye bye horsies ... Daddy, I come back!" She must have had a good time.


Amy M. said...

Please share your pony day pictures with me and I will do the same!! They are great....I love the lawn chair ladies!

Anna said...

First - belated congratulations on the new baby on the way!!

Second - I also commented on Amy's Pony Day Post - but I love this!! Both times we took Philip to the zoo, he ran from the animals to get back to climbing on the benches!