K-K! As usual, I can't believe you are another month older! You are quite the little mover and talker. You can't sit still. You can sit up but choose not to. You sit for about two seconds before you throw yourself down and start rolling to find something, anything. You love to put anything in your mouth. Especially food- you are eating most vegetables and fruits- haven't had anything you didn't like. Your routine is the same- eat at 8am, noon, 4pm, 6pm and 8pm then down for the night. This week my body decided it was done feeding you so you are drinking formula and didn't give me any trouble with it. I'm sad to stop but glad we made it 7 months!
Now that you can put your pacifier in your mouth yourself we don't hear from you at all most nights. You are so happy all the time and whenever you see something you like you squeal at the top of your lungs. The only word we understand is Dada. Grace thinks you are "so silly" that you think everyone's name is Dada. You talk a lot of babble and just love any attention. You are going to be my social butterfly!
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