Saturday, June 27, 2009

Date with Papa

My mom had plans for dinner one night with her friends so my dad took us girls out for a date. We had drinks and dancing at the square and then went to Johnny Rockets for dinner. We had a blast! Grace was very excited that Papa shared her love of strawberry shakes (and was even more excited that she didn't have to share).
That girl and her drink...
Kate enjoyed some dancing too!
Grace was demanding some pretty wild moves from Papa

The next night my dad had plans so my mom took us out for dinner. We opted for the low key CiCi's pizza and had fun there too! Grace couldn't believe she could have dessert pizza. She said "My dad is not going to believe this. I'm going to tell him and he's going to say 'What the heck!'" Ummm- Jack? Impressive you get in trouble and you aren't even there...

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