Friday, May 7, 2010

Circus Friday

Grace playing golf at camp-
Pool time-
Jeff and Jackie entered the Regatta.  I was on nap duty so I didn't get to watch but apparently they were in last place on the first race but did great on the next two and ended up taking second place- beaten only by a lone teenager :)  Great job guys!
These two woke up while Elaina was still sleeping so I resorted to Elmo on the iPhone to keep them busy :)
Friday night was Circus night at ClubMed.  Grace was very excited about being a monkey in the circus show.  First, she was in the circus parade-
We all thought we were going to watch Grace, aka the monkey, dance around a little in the circus.  We knew she had been practicing but we had NO idea what was about to happen.  Which is obvious since we don't have many pictures or a very good video (my mom accidentally videoed most of it, thank goodness- see below).  After all the monkeys did a somersault, they lined up near the trapeze!  Then one by one, the kids went up on a little platform and a man hanging upside down on the trapeze swung by and grabbed them, carrying them across the room and letting them down on the other side.  I really wish we had been prepared because it was quite a sight!  And we thought Grace would never do it!  They put her up on the platform, the man came swinging by and she put her hands back down by her side so he couldn't grab her!  The crowd laughed.  He wasn't deterred and came back again!  This time the helpers held her arms up and away she went!  She survived and did great but you could tell it wasn't her favorite thing to do :)

I've shown her the video and her only response is "I'm not doing that again" just very matter of fact.  She said they practiced that move but she refused to do it in practice.  One time only :)
Then if one family member in the show wasn't enough- Jeff was chosen from the audience to participate in a little clown trick.
They all sat in formation and then the chairs were removed
After the circus there was a kid's cocktail party to celebrate- the girls thought they were big stuff!  Great end to a great day!

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