Friday, May 28, 2010

Girls Trip to Chattanooga

A few months ago I won a trip to Chattanooga in a bingo game! We had a really busy spring so we never got a chance to use it.  It expired the end of May and I wanted to try and use it so I found a day that wasn't too busy, called my friend Melissa and she, Grace and I went on a girls trip!
Grace thought she was big stuff going on a girls trip and was super excited.  We checked in and went right to a great dinner, recommended by Craig and Laura.  The dinner was good but the best part was our drinks.  First the waiter didn't know what a "virgin" drink was for Grace and then when he brought us our drinks- he gave the virgin one to me and the drink of the day to Grace.... :)
After dinner we treated Grace to some night swimming in the hotel pool- very exciting to go swimming after your bedtime :)
In the morning we met Laura and Aubrey at the aquarium and had a fun morning looking at the fishes
They were watching an underwater show- Grace's favorite part of the aquarium.  She could probably do the show for you- she listened to every word and repeated random facts she learned throughout the day.
We had a fun time at the aquarium, had a great lunch and then saw the Oceans 3D movie.  It was a great trip- thanks Grace and Melissa for taking me with you since you are obviously mother/daughter as everyone assumes :)


Melissa said...

Yes, and I am the world's worst mother. "How old is she?" "Uh, I don't know... three or four, I guess." :)

Thanks so much for having me along-- girl trips rule!

Craig and Laura said...

It was so fun! I'm so glad we could join you.
