Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Potty

About a week ago we bought Grace a "potty" so she would start to get used to the idea of it. The first few days, she was obsessed with it. She talked about "her potty" like it was her best friend. When we were out, she wanted to go home to see "her potty." When we were home, she wanted to sit on "her potty" all day. But, when she wanted to sit on it, she wanted to be totally naked and alone.. It was too funny to see her sitting there saying "bye bye mommy, Gracie potty." And then she got creative. I found her a few times in different rooms of our house, naked, sitting on the potty- the living room, the hallway, our bedroom, etc. She actually used it a few times but I guess when you sit on it all day, it's bound to happen. She was completely awed when I would point it out to her "Wow!" This week the novelity has worn off... Not much interest except yesterday I put her in the tub and instantly she asked to get out and sit on her potty and she went! But then she got so excited she didn't want to get off... ;o)
So- not quite potty training- just spending time with our new friend.

1 comment:

BlessedMom said...

The first step is for her be to showing some interest! It won't be long.