Friday, August 8, 2008

Swimming With the Fishes

While in Chattanooga we visited the Tennessee Aquarium. We all had a great time.

Grace surprised us by putting her hand in the water with the stingrays.

Uncle Craig taught Grace about the fish

It was Shark Week

Grace enjoyed the "caves"

It was a long day

After the Aquarium Craig and Laura took us to a really nice park for a picnic lunch. Well, Grace must have been tired, for she had what could only be described as a nuclear meltdown breakdown. Angry crying does not provide great background music for a picnic, so after a quick lunch, we scooped up our little chernobyl and took her home. When we were back at the house, we told Grace how disappointed we were with her and her reply was "I not bad at aquarium, I bad at park." I guess a .500 batting average isn't too bad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had the best time Grace! Come visit us again soon! Love, Craig and Laura