Sunday, March 15, 2009

Trauma after Bath Time

After bath time tonight, I was about to help Grace brush her teeth, when all of a sudden she started to cry. She held out her hand and showed me her finger, saying "Daddy, Daddy, my finger!" I immediately thought she somehow cut it, but upon closer inspection noticed her fingertip was wrinkled (from the water in the bath). She then showed me all of her fingers, which of course were all wrinkled (or prunie, as I used to call them) and started to freak out. She quickly became inconsolable and both her mother and I were unable to convince her that it was normal. We had to suspend teeth brushing for the moment to go into her room.

Grace had her little hands clutch tightly in fists, so that she could not see the wrinkled fingertips. The tears were flowing and she kept crying out, "my fingers hurt, my finger hurt!" It was really cute and really pitiful. I began to read her a story to take her mind off her "injury." Before I finished the story, she suddenly said "Daddy, look ... my fingers, they better!" She proudly held up her hand, which was a little less wrinkled. She then grabbed the book I was reading to her and Kate and said "I can hold the book!" Grace was so proud of her miraculous recovery. As for me, bath time is going to be much abbreviated tomorrow night!

1 comment:

Candice said...

This is a precious story!!! That sounds like something Abby would do!!!