Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kate- 8 months!

You are getting to be such a big girl! You have really mastered sitting up this month and starting to really play with toys. And you started crawling! That really changed things around here. You can move very fast and you love to put things in your mouth- two things that don't make a good combination ;o) You dropped your evening nap and just take two long naps during the day and going to bed a little earlier- at 7:30pm, same time as your sister. You still sleep well although you have figured out how to throw your pacifier out of your crib so we will come and rescue it.
You definitely know your dad, Grace and me and your face lights up when you see us. But, you are really starting to get upset when someone other than us is with you. You are still saying "Dada" a lot but have added Mama and a few times Papa. You still love to eat and are eating two meals a day with the same bottle schedule as before.
We are so blessed to have our sweet Kate!

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