Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas #1

While at Callaway Gardens, we celebrated the Grunewald Family Christmas. No matter what date we celebrate Christmas as a family with them, we celebrate like it's the 24th and 25th of December since it doesn't matter- just matters that we are together. I'm thankful for this tradition because it feels like I've never missed a Christmas morning with my parents and siblings.
On our "Christmas Eve" we had a fondue dinner- a tradition we've had for the last 20 years. After that we all opened one gift and went to bed.
On "Christmas morning" we all got up to pose for our pj picture (although some didn't follow the rule of "no shower"....) and opened our gifts from each other and my grandfather and his wife. We all loved our gifts and had a great time. Kate was excited to get her first Christmas gifts and appreciated Grace helping her out.We went out to brunch to celebrate "Christmas" at a great buffet. They had something I've never seen- a special buffet table just for kids. It was low to the ground and contained kid friendly food- even the fruit was cut up in bit size pieces. We adults used Grace and Isabella to gain access to the french toast sticks and smiley face potatoes- we liked the kid's buffet too!

Thanks to Nana and Papa for a great trip!

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