Friday, December 19, 2008

Training on the Go

Grace finally seems to have caught on to potty training. Once she went #2 a few days, things started to click into place. She's had a dry pull-up for about a week (except for nights and some naps) so we dare to say she's potty trained... She's still very proud of herself which is cute- especially when she does go #2- she always says as she's going "You going to be so proud of me!" Whichever parent isn't at home has to be called and often Nana (since she was the first one to get her to go on the toilet) has to be called also. I'm sure her Nana looks forward to the "poop call" where Grace yells "I went poop!" into the phone before saying hello. Thank goodness they have caller id.

Our trip to Callaway Gardens was the first time we had to deal with any of the complexities of being potty trained. She'd never used a public restroom and we weren't sure when she would have to go so we packed the potty chair. The car was completely packed, literally to the ceiling, with our stuff and Christmas gifts so when she asked to go, the front seat was all we had. She didn't seem to mind and did great. We did moon some people in the parking lot but otherwise it was a success. She made it the three hour drive with one stop and a dry pull-up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love my "poop" calls!