Monday, December 8, 2008

Behind the Scenes- Potty Training

In addition to getting used to our new baby, there has been some other exciting things going on in our house- potty training, again. When Nana was here, she took it on as a special project and we are continuing her work. Jack and I will be the first to admit that the reason Grace isn't trained is us- we just haven't been good about reminding her to go. When we do, she usually goes.
So when Nana was here, she kept a close eye on the clock and a hand on the skittle bag and she and Grace made some great progress.
Now that we are with her, she's been doing pretty well. Her grandma bought her a "potty watch" that plays a song at set intervals to tell you when to go potty. Grace is very devoted to the watch- whenever it goes off- she yells "it's potty time" and runs to the restroom. Luckily the watch has an override button and will play a song when you push it. Jack and I will ask her if she has to go and if she says "no" we'll hit the button and she's run to the bathroom and go. She's going to catch on to that one day....
Going #2 is a different story. She wasn't so good at that at first. We promised her a Dora radio/walkman if she went in the toilet and it took about a week but she finally did it. Of course the next day, we had it take it back. It went back and forth for about a week.
Here are a few of my favorites from Grace's mouth-
"Daddy- want to come and poop with me?"
Jack threatened to take away the Dora radio if she didn't go and she looked right at him and said "Take it"
Then we tried tv.. Jack told her no more Diego on tv until she went. She said "and no Dora or Backyardigans either"

Then Jack did something a little crazy- he offered her a Dora, My Little Pony, Princess, Ariel castle and Ariel doll if she went. If you know anything about toys- those brands aren't the same and a castle with all of them would be impossible... And wouldn't you know it.. she went and wanted her castle. Jack went to many stores to find something that would satisfy her. He ended up with an Ariel stamp and marker set in a backpack that sort of looks like a castle. I think she was so excited about the markers- since there was a ban after this- she took the prize.
Since I'm behind on this blog, this is part past, part real time. As of this date, she's doing great with her #2 and with the potty watch, great on #1.

As part of our daily talks about Santa to try and ease her fears, Jack was telling her about Santa bringing her presents. She said "No, I just go poop and get presents. No Santa"

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